An overview of Mission Direct’s finance model.
Mission Direct operates two types of funds, an unrestricted fund and a restricted fund. These funds are sub-divided as follows:
Unrestricted fund comprises of three elements:
Restricted funds comprise of two elements:
Gift Aid
Mission Direct claims gift aid on all qualifying donations.
There is a desire to give as many people the opportunity as possible to go on short term mission. Therefore the requested contribution is kept as low as possible and includes an assumption that Gift Aid will be claimable for 60% of the contributions from people going on short term mission. Note: the 60% assumption is reviewed each year as progressively the contributions are being made from funds that have already claimed the Gift Aid eg churches and other charities.
The general rule for allocating Gift Aid is that it follows the donation.
A little more detail on each account
The income for General Overheads can be divided into two:
The income for Mission Campaigns is (100%) from the short term mission contributions
The income for Designated Volunteer Staff Funds is (100%) from donors
The income for Projects can be divided into three:
Note: 100% of the money raised by those going on the short term mission and the donors is used to purchase the materials and pay for the local labour used on the project. If there is additional funding from Trust Funds or Gift Aid associated with funds raised by those going on the mission trip and/or donors then a portion of this is used to pay for the set up costs of the project ie the recce costs and any general oerheads. If there is no additional funding then these costs are funded from the unrestricted fund.
The income for Partners is (100%) from donors. Mission Direct request that the donor contributes 6% of the gross donation to the Unrestricted, General Overhead fund to assist with the costs associated with processing of the donation.
If you would like more information please contact and he will be delighted to answer your questions.
Note: the figures are from the 2016 published accounts.
You can be confident that your money is always put to the best possible use. Mission Direct is proud of how hard it works to deliver the most good from even the smallest donation. Whether we are dealing with a major donation or a child’s pocket money, we want to honour the intention of the giver; to make a lasting difference to poverty.
We don’t want to overwhelm you with too many statistics. You can download a full annual report if you would like to see more details.