The Bishop of St Albans, Rt Revd Alan Smith, has chosen a Mission Direct project in Kumi Uganda as its designated project for his 2023 Harvest Appeal. Below is a short video that gives more information about the project.
If you have raised funds for this appeal you can make payment direct to Mission Direct in one of 3 ways:
You can send cheques made payable to Mission Direct to our office at 27 Bury Mead Road, Hitchin, SG5 1RT. Please include a short covering note indicating that this is for the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal.
You can make a bank to bank transfer to our account with Barclays Bank. Please use the reference “Bishops Harvest Appeal”.
Sort code: 20-53-33
Account No: 30618527
Account Name: Mission Direct Ltd
As the space available in the banking system on statements is limited would you please let us know that you have sent a bank transfer by completing the short form below so that we can record all receipts correctly against your organisation’s record. Thank you.
You can make a payment by bank debit or credit card on behalf of your organisation by clicking on the button below and you will be taken to Mission Direct’s payment portal.
If you would like to make a personal donation to this appeal then you can do so by clicking on the button below and you will be taken to Mission Direct’s payment portal. Please remember to gift aid your donation if you are able to as it makes so much difference to the amount we receive.