Pray | Mission Direct


Thank you for your prayers

Thank you for joining us in prayer. With our Father in heaven, all things are possible.

We would not be as effective in the work we do without your prayers; thank you for joining with us in this way. Please continue to pray for our work, our volunteers and those we are working with.

“We can do great things after we pray, but we cannot do great things until we pray – Let us pray!”

Current prayer points

  • I’ve told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature

    “I’ve loved you the way my Father has loved me. Make yourselves at home in my love. If you keep my commands, you’ll remain intimately at home in my love. That’s what I’ve done—kept my Father’s commands and made myself at home in his love.
    “I’ve told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You are my friends when you do the things I command you. I’m no longer calling you servants because servants don’t understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I’ve named you friends because I’ve let you in on everything I’ve heard from the Father.

    John 15:10-15 The Message

    So friends, are we ready to put our lives on the line, to love one another the way Jesus loved us? Let us make ourselves at home in His love and love each other by praying, by giving sacrificially and by going to walk alongside our brothers and sisters in need. We can make a difference, we can be the difference motivated by love and we will see joy, we will bring joy and we will experience joy.

    At Mission Direct we long to see God's Kingdom come. We want everyone to receive their daily bread and to have all that they need. We pray for equality, unity and harmony; for fairness across the world.

    As a staff team we meet weekly for devotions. We pray for each other, for the charity and for our partners and projects and would love to pray for you also. If you have any prayer requests, please email them to and we will be delighted to pray for you.

    Thank you for faithfully praying with us.
    God Bless you

  • Zambia

    These are challenging times for Zambians with power cuts of 12-16 hours a day. Please pray for our staff team of Alison, Mark and Geoff as they host the teams under these difficult circumstances. Please pray that planned improvements at Chamba Valley will happen in time to mitigate the effects for the teams.

    We give thanks for good progress on all the building projects and for the fundraising efforts of many which have allowed these projects to progress to plan.

    We give thanks for the recent 20th anniversary celebrations at Crown of Life School and for Dorothy's leadership, guidance and vision for the school over this period. We gave thanks for her improved health in recent months.

    We give thanks that Aaron and Josephine have been able to purchase a new site for the Chisomo shelter, which is home to over 50 boys and girls, some of whom are away at boarding school during term-time. We pray that work to improve the toilet and shower facilities can be completed soon.

    We pray for the school team from Lancashire in Zambia now. We pray their time in Zambia will be an enriching and educational experience and that they will be a blessing to many people.

  • Rukungiri, Uganda

    • We are thankful to God for the progress of the boy's washroom at Nyakagyeme Secondary School, being undertaken by local builders in the absence of volunteers this year. (see photo)
    • As plans are made for 2025 trips, please pray that next year there will be sufficient volunteers to make two teams viable. In particular that several people will sign up within the next few months as an encouragement.
    • In 2025, a major project is planned to build a new dormitory for Nyakagyeme School which is desperately needed (see photo) but will require significant funds. Pray that these funds will be raised and that the necessary permissions will be obtained..
    • Give thanks for all the work that has been accomplished in Rukungiri over the last 20 years and for all the volunteers and staff team members who have been blessed through their visits.
    • Pray for project partners like Chilli Children, Mosaic Vision, Our Father's House and Kizizi Diocese in the valuable work that they do all year round to help children and family in physical, financial and spiritual need.

  • Cambodia
    It is wonderful to see Preah Vihear Village School now fully open.

    We thank God and give thanks for the Mission Direct Cambodia 2024 Teams 1 and 2 for providing the funding for this build and for your hard work on site, in very hot conditions, earlier this year. Well done Teams 1 and 2.

  • Narok, Kenya

    Please -

    Continue to pray for Mission With A Mission and Pastor Patrick. After 20 years of rescuing girls from forced marriages and FGM, they're facing a tough season. Give thanks for offers of support that have been received and pray that all those promises will be fulfilled enabling MWAV to continue their fantastic work.

    Pray for people to come forward to volunteer for this year's teams ready to fulfill our final year of a 3 year building programme with MWAV and working with Fountain of life as they support street children and vulnerable women. There is still time for volunteers to sign up and we pray for more to come forward.

  • Kumi, Uganda

    • Pray for a successful restart of the ministry in Kumi Prison. That we will be able to give the words of encouragement as we join with the prisoners in worship.
    • Pray for the builders we are working with as we buy gumboots to replace inadequate footwear. Sometimes just flip flops.
    • Pray for safe building and progress as we continue to construct the classroom block at Kumi Primary School.
    • Give thanks for the continued progress of the St Albans Chicken Project, especially as chickens are now being returned by the early beneficiaries for re-distribution.
    • Pray for Kumi Mother’s Union as they continue to support the most needy elderly and disabled in the community. Pray for a successful food distribution.
    • Pray for the future of Mission Direct in Kumi, for volunteers to sign up for 2025 and for the vision for next year’s project.

  • Malawi

    Please pray

    • For the staff team who are in country now making final preparations and for the volunteers's safe arrival on Tuesday.
    • Giving thanks for the bricks which have been made by the women of the village and for the foundations which are being laid ahead of the team's arrival.
    • We give thanks for new accommodation being found in good time.

  • Dominican Republic
    We are so thankful to God that the project will go ahead despite the challenges of not having a team this year.
    Please pray over the build for the next two weeks.

    Pray also for next year’s project. There have been meetings with a leader from an organisation called trash mountain project that maybe a potential for next year.

    Continue to pray for The Dunwell family as they follow God's calling to live in the DR

  • New Booking Platform!

    • We are really grateful to God for the successful launch of a new booking platform which makes booking and payment much easier for all volunteers..
    • Please give thanks that we have received bookings already which is a wonderful encouragement.
    • Pray that anyone who was put off by issues and challenges they may have experienced previously will try this new system and that more and more volunteers will book for this year and next

  • Do More in 2024

    We want to Do More in 2024 and part of what we want more of is prayer, we want more people to commit to pray regularly for Mission Direct, the Mission Direct Family in the UK and Overseas and for the Projects God has given us to complete. Will you join us and will you share our prayer updates with your family, friends, groups and church? Will you keep praying with us?

    We also want to reach more people and bring change in more communities, that all costs money will you pray with us for God to bless our work with the finances that we need?

    We also want to pray for MORE VOLUNTEERS to GO and to fundraise for the projects, please join us in asking God to stir the hearts of those He wants to join a trip next year. Please prayerfully consider whether you will join a team in 2024.

    Please pray that everything we do will continue to have Jesus at the centre.

  • Our volunteers:
    We thank God for all the teams that have travelled this year s far and those still preparing to travelr. Pray with us for all our volunteers who have returned from trips that their experiences will be positive, inspirational and motivational; that they will be moved to tell their story and inspire others.

    WE NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS. Please pray for God to inspire people to book a trip with us, so that together we can complete vital projects which will impact our partners and our volunteers. Please ask God for opportunities to share about our work with those you meet, with your family, with your church.

  • Finances:

    Rising costs both here and overseas, including flight costs, mean that we need to make up a significant shortfall in our finances. We thank God that we have made significant progress already and are so grateful for the sacrificial giving of individuals and for God's blessing with unexpected income.
    Please pray for an increase in one-off and also in regular donations to enable us to continue serving others who are in much greater need than we are.
    Finances are being squeezed both here in the UK and for our partners overseas, we have been astounded by God's provision and people's generosity and we pray confidently that God will continue to sustain us.

  • 20th Anniversary Year:

    This year sees us celebrating 20 years of Mission Direct. We want to celebrate all that has been done, remember all the people who have been involved over the years, fundraise for projects and core costs and look forward to the next 20 years encouraging others to join us.
    Pray for the planned celebration taking place in November, pray that God will bless all the activities and that He would be at the centre of our plans.

    We thank God for every life which has been impacted by Mission Direct in 20 years, beneficiaries, partners, supporters, volunteers and staff

Monthly prayer updates

You can sign up for our regular monthly prayer updates. Just fill out your contact details and we will send you a few prayer points every month from around the world. Occasionally we may update you with any urgent prayer needs.

Monthly prayer updates

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