5 Mission Trip Statistics That Prove They Work | Mission Direct

5 Mission Trip Statistics That Prove They Work

Are you wondering whether you should embark on a Christian mission trip? Perhaps you’ve asked yourself what type of impact you could have by choosing to be part of a charity mission trip, or whether your actions as one person can really make a difference.

Our Christian mission trips are designed to be short term trips which have a long-term impact, and we make lifelong commitments with our overseas partners to ensure that we are bettering the lives of truly disadvantaged and often forgotten communities. These five statistics might help you understand just how far-reaching your involvement is, and how joining a mission trip can have lasting, positive effects on the communities you visit, as well as yourself.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. – Matthew 28:19-20

In AD 100 there were 12 unreached people for every congregation of believers. Now there is 1 unreached person for every 1000 congregations.

The core objective of the Christian mission movement is to spread the word of God through good deeds carried out in His name. Through our actions, whether that’s undertaking building projects or educating underprivileged children, we continue to proclaim His word, and this is evident in this statistic. As well as our tangible contributions, which have life changing effects to those who benefit from them, we also know that we are spreading the positive message of God by witnessing the number of His disciples increase across the world.

The country with the fastest Christian expansion ever is China, now at 10,000 new converts every day.

As a Communist country, China has no official religion – although five major religions are officially recognised: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism. Of a 1.3 billion populous, the rate of religious expansion China is experiencing is testament to the power of His word, and that spreading the gospel is having a true global reach.

One indigenous ministry surveyed the believers in the churches they planted and found that 80% had come to faith in Christ because they had seen a miraculous act of God or experienced an answer to prayer.

We never proclaim to be carrying out miraculous acts; only the acts of God in order to spread His word. Small efforts combined throughout the lifetime commitments we make can be the answers to prayers of many, and your presence on charity mission trips helps to reinforce the faith of communities. Helping just one person come to faith will change their life forever.

In 2009 alone, Global Media Outreach, the internet outreach branch of Campus Crusade for Christ, reported over 10 million internet users came to faith in Christ through their websites. They also received close to 4 million emails.

When the word of God can be spread in person, we heartedly encourage it. When the gospel can be conveyed across the globe to 10 million people and have them come to faith, we know that we are achieving what we have set out to do and that now more than ever, people are ready to receive His word and His blessings.

A person does not have to go far in order to grow personally through serving others. People who took domestic service trips reported the same degree of life-changing experiences as did those traveling abroad.

Any one of us might feel that the only way to have a meaningful impact is to spend longer periods of time in far afield communities. Having a life changing impact on those you reach (and yourself, through growth, proclaiming the gospel and practical changes to their everyday lives) can be as easily achieved in a local environment as it would be overseas.

No matter how big or small you think your presence and contributions will matter to those in need, you can make lifelong differences to people all over the world by spreading faith through deeds, and letting the world know how His love can change their lives too.

Source accreditation for statistics: http://www.aboutmissions.org/statistics.html and https://www.barna.com/research/despite-benefits-few-americans-have-experienced-short-term-mission-trips/

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