Last chance Brazil! | Mission Direct

Last chance Brazil!

Campo Largo

For the last 11 years, Mission Direct has partnered with Open Hands in Campo Largo Brazil to build transitional homes for families living in the favela, desperate to escape the life of drug trafficking and gang violence in order to give their children a better future. To date, our teams have helped to build 28 houses over three projects as well as blessing and assisting other community-led projects in and around the area. 

The transitional homes offer families a step out, giving residents the house for five years and charging a small rent, which is then returned to provide a down-payment for the family to secure their own permanent home elsewhere. We’ve been blessed to see countless families transform their lives and the long-term effect is hoped to be that children in these families receive better education and are able to have better opportunities for brighter futures outside of the favela. 

This year – our 12th – will be our final year working on this project and whilst that is met with lots of sadness, it’s also cause for celebration of what has been achieved and what God will do next. 

So, if you have been involved with Campo Largo previously and would like one last chance to go – or you’ve never been and don’t want to miss it – this year is your last chance! 

Help us to build the final two homes and celebrate the completion of this campaign! See dates and more info>

Rio de Janeiro

Since 2017, we’ve been working in Rio de Janeiro with partner CADI, renovating a space to become a community centre. CADI was set up with the aim of preventing children and young adults from being lured into drug-trafficking. Through life-skills workshops, after school clubs, coaching and more, they aim to show youth that drug-trafficking isn’t the only way to make money and that, through education, there are other opportunities open to them. 

Our teams have been helping to create the CADI community centre, which will be central to serving the favela community.

In 2019, we will complete the work we set out to do with CADI;  so if this is a project you’d love to return to or be a part of, our two teams this year are your last chance. See dates and more info>

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