Posted: 31st January 2017
This photo may not look like much, but it’s the image of transformation, of a new future, of hope and of celebration.
In 2009, a lady called Chitalu Chishimba, a young mother, embarked on her journey to start Vision of Hope to address the problem of girls under 18 living on the streets – usually fleeing abusive home situations. She started with weekly meetings under a tree at the girls’ scouts building in Lusaka. For a long time they then rented a property, until 2015, when they managed to purchase some land themselves and Mission Direct agreed to facilitate the build of their very own home for up to 30 girls.
Once girls make the decision to come to the centre the girls have food, clothes and a bed – and importantly, someone to listen to and care for them. Through connections that Chitalu has made, they also have access to education as well as learning skills to become self-sufficient.
In September, we opened the new rescue centre for girls, built with the support of Mission Direct and volunteers – and where 25 girls (the youngest is just age 3!) now currently live. We continue to develop the centre, enabling more girls to be rescued from a perilous life on the street.
This is wonderful news. I volunteered withMission Direct in 2012 in Lusaka and gave several talks and presentations about the Fountain of Hope on my return to England. One of the most frequently asked questions was “what about the girls living on the street”? Now there is an answer. Praise be!