Charity Mission Partners in Uganda - Kumi | Mission Direct

Mission Direct partners in Uganda – Kumi

View our latest mission trips to Uganda – Kumi here.

Main Partners

Kumi Primary School

In 2022 we started work on a new project at Kumi Primary School. This is a State Primary; however, it was founded by Missionaries at St Stephen’s Church in 1926. Some of the original buildings are still in use together with additional classrooms from 1980’s, which is when it was handed over to the Municipality. There are over 1,000 children at the school, and this will double over the next ten years. This will be our third year working at Kumi Primary School. In 2022 we relocated teachers who had been living in 8 of the classrooms into new homes and have undertaken a basic renovation to the old classrooms to make them fit for purpose. We have built two new classrooms in 2023 and in 2024 we will start work on a new two classroom block, to continue to increase capacity, reduce class sizes and create improved learning environments.

Other projects

Kumi Prison

We added this to our visit programme in 2013. Volunteers contribute through testimonies, songs and by sharing a short word, all of which are received well.

Mother’s Union

Most of the population of Uganda is semi-illiterate, and the country faces problems such as poverty, disease and domestic violence. Mothers’ Union members in Uganda have been credited for their work in educating people and counselling couples and many members are considered community role models.

We visit the homes of those elderly and isolated in the community who have little if any family support. We spend time at each home and deliver substantial packages of food and basic necessities such as soap.


Mission Direct came to Kumi in 2010 to work alongside the charity Children of Hope and Dignity (COHAD), building homes for orphans of AIDS and civil war. Each home houses eight children loved and looked after by a ‘house mother’. COHAD provides food, education, healthcare and nurture – giving them back some semblance of family life that they are desperate for. Crucially it gives them hope for the future.

So far, we have helped to build four houses – enabling up to thirty-two children to receive education, medical treatment and a family life – as well as a piggery to provide an income to the project, as piglets are reared and sold on; and a cow shelter, which provides milk for the children and a daily income as excess milk is sold.

Village Work

The team spends a day constructing of a new home with the team from Atutur PAG, for families living in very rural areas. On occasion’s we have also give food packages and clothing donated by the volunteers.