We are primarily funded by volunteers making contributions which cover all the trip costs. In addition our volunteers raise funds for the projects. We also rely on kind donors like you, who want to make that personal difference. Our Overseas staff cover all their costs personally and several of our UK staff offer their services for free or a small stipend.
Our projects are funded as 100% of all money volunteers raise goes to the project they are visiting. Where funds allow, the management team also allocate some undesignated funds to projects so as much as possible goes to help those we serve and we seek donations from individuals, trusts and others. We strive to be completely transparent about our finances. Our approach is set out in our accounts and summarised here.
This is difficult to answer and depends on your personal circumstances and preferences. The only things you really need additional cash for are buying souvenirs, certain drinks and for giving away.
At the end of your trip, we will provide you with a form that helps you consider if you wish to make any additional donations to any of the partners you have met on your journey. Often volunteers are moved by one thing or another and want to contribute in a sensitive way, facilitated by our staff. You may want to have some cash for this or simply make a pledge to give it or raise it on your return.
In our surveys we found that about 40% cite the concern over raising the money as a reason not to come. This is a pity as time and time again, when people decide to come on a Mission Direct trip, they discover how remarkably easy it is to raise the necessary money.
Please don’t let the fear of not having enough money stop you from committing to come. We have developed an outstanding fundraising toolkit, complete with numerous fundraising tips. You can receive a copy by contacting us or registering for a free downloaded copy.
If you are a churchgoer, you will often find that your church is keen to assist you in raising your trip contribution and keen to support you in prayer.
Like most things, we find that great personal communication and a good relationship with your church leaders and where appropriate, mission committee members will make a difference. We can provide you with the information and material that will help.
Why not ask your leaders to invite us to speak at a Sunday service, or specially arranged meeting for those interested in learning more.
Hopefully there will be an opportunity to share with your church and other community groups, about your Mission Direct outreach experiences. If you require material or speakers to encourage others to join you on a trip, please contact us.
Absolutely – The cost is included in your contributions. We have insurance settled for those under 80. If you are older please discuss with one of our volunteer managers. To read full details, you can download a full copy of the policy here.
We use masta-travel-health.com/VaccineChecker or fitfortravel.nhs.uk as requirements do change for each country
Our programme costs are difficult to estimate accurately in advance with major fluctuations in sterling, airfares, oil prices and the cost of living in unstable economies. Mission Direct is a charity and does not make or distribute any profits.
Your contribution also excludes Gift Aid. If a gift aid form is signed, the Government will give 25p for every £1 you raise to Mission Direct. This means that every time a UK tax payer makes a gift to us, there is a multiple ready to be collected. Please do all you can to get gift aid forms signed, as the financial impact is huge.
Volunteers travelling with us to join these communities is at the heart of our vision and mission. Thousands of volunteers have been transformed through their volunteering – and this can be your story too. Local people do not want your money, or charity, they want relationship and support in what they are already doing to defeat their circumstances. Over and over again, they tell us that what means the most to them is the fact that our volunteers give up their time to come and help them – to come into their communities and live among them, when many people in their own country wouldn’t.
At Mission Direct we have faced the issue of mission tourism head on and believe passionately that going is vital. Our model of operating addresses many of such people’s concerns.
This is a really important question and has a number of perspectives:
If you want to discuss this further, please ring us on 01582 720056.
If you have a question that you can't find in our FAQs, please send us your question as it might be useful for someone else.